

This is a new page, so bare with me through some changes.  I've categorized some of the topics that I've been exploring and to be honest, not all of this research has been done while abroad. I've been a constant student of natural and earth based remedies and skincare since I spent one year as a vegan and I have trouble with acne. Much of it will focus on my ever changing skin condition, tea, and some natural remedies considering that most pills or drugs over the counter in multiple countries were too difficult to discern and natural remedies that I carried with me were the most transferrable and effective aids while traveling. 



Tea has untold benefits, ranging from it's antioxident properties, anticarcinogens, and overall wellness maintenance. While most think of tea as a means for internal health as a drink, it also has benefits as an added skincare element, or as a means to treat other ailments. 


Skin Care

I have horrible skin - stemming from the harsh retinols and perscriptions I mistreated as an adolescent. I've shamelessly spent years studying Asian skincare practices. Admittedly, (when I feel like adhering to them) my skin is noticebly better. These are some of my favorite products and trends that I want to share, as well as the consequences when I deviated from the plan. 


Natural Remedies

I spent my senior year in college as a Vegan. To maintain my health, I learned a lot about vitamins and natural products to replace some of the overused over the counter medicines. This is especially useful considering that OTC medicines across borders often get stopped by border control, so these life hacks helped keep me happy and healthy.