Singapore | Sushi Mieda
On our last night in Singapore, we treated ourselves to a real sushi dinner at Sushi Mieda. And for those sushi aficionados, this was my very first real and authentic sushi experience. So you'll have to bear with me when I say that this experience changed my perspective and expectations for sushi forever.
What to Expect:
The sushi bar is situated inside Tong Le Private Dining in the OUE tower. So, while you may be expecting fabulous views of the city, it's tucked away inside another restaurant. What you could do, is ask to have your meal inside Tong Le Private Dining; but IMHO it's not as much fun as watching chef prepare every bite for you.
The menu is expensive. This is really good sushi so the menu follows in price accordingly. I mean, it has one Michelin star so let that gauge what kind of experience you're going to get. One thing that was confusing is that on their website, they advertise a $100 Special Sushi Omakase, but when we asked about it, the waiter said it was not available for that night; so I'm not sure of the restrictions on this menu.
The sushi restaurant is small. This mimics the traditional Japanese sushi master experience. There is an intimate experience between you and chef; allow a full on appreciation of every piece and the years of skill and preparation that has evolved into the moment right in front of you.

Menu Review: Koufuku 口福
Forewarning, I'm no master at food reviews but this was my impression of a few of the main attractions. Also, the courses got a lot better after my partner and I requested to remove the wasabi. If you're not a wasabi fan (because it drowns out every other flavor the moment it touches your taste buds) then the benefit of being so close to the chef is making these special requests to improve your experience.
Speechless. The most amazing flavor was packed into a single bite and I'm not sure when I'll find this joy ever again.
UNTIL I found the octopus. Chef cut an amazing thick slice that may or may not have been slightly cooked from this large bowl of a tentacle marinading in a secret sauce. This bite of pulpo gave me life again.
Butter Fish
D.I.V.I.N.E. - slightly fishy flavor but almost like a charcoal flavor?
Kotoro Tuna & Chi Toro Tuna Belly
Whichever tuna this was that was a little more fatty turned into being my favorite bites. I wish all sushi could taste like this. #allTheFeels It's bites like these that differentiate sushi from every other cuisine and prove what it means to be a sushi chef. No supermarket or side of the road sushi will ever compare to bites like this: soul crushing, uplifting, and eye opening.
Pro Tip:
Do yourself a huge favor and read up on how to eat sushi beforehand. It will definitely help you. Here's a helpful link. Below are some of my favorite tips that often get overlooked:
- It is OK to eat nigiri-zushi (sushi) with your hands. Sashimi is only to be eaten with your chopsticks.
- Do not pick up a piece of food from another person’s plate with the end of the chopsticks you put in your mouth. When moving food like this use the end you hold, which is considered the polite way.
- Gari (ginger) is considered a palate cleanser and eaten between bites or different types of sushi. It is not meant to be eaten in the same bite as a piece of sushi.
- Pick up the nigiri-zushi and dip the fish (neta) into your shoyu, not the rice (which will soak up too much shoyu).